Kös Student Association

A Zurich student association by Austrians for Austrians

Kös Student Association

A Zurich student association by Austrians for Austrians

In November 2020, we set out to create a studen association to bring together likeminded people from a similar background. This lead to the foundation of Kös, the "Klub der Österreichischen Studierenden in Zürich". As co-founder, vice president and head of design and technology, I am co-leading a student association which as grown to over 100 members.
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Recruiting poster
Easter celebration poster
Easter celebration poster
Advertisement for our first event, an online pubquiz
Advertisement for our first event, an online pubquiz
Advertisement for our second event, a trip to the Habsburg, the historic ancestral home of the Habsburger
Advertisement for our second event, a trip to the Habsburg, the historic ancestral home of the Habsburger
In case you want to learn more, check out our website or follow us on instagram: